Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Do the Inspector Walter Darriteau books need to be read in the order they were written?
A: It isn't essential to read them in the order they were written. Almost all are standalone stories, The Final Door, Parts I & II, and The Evil Man, Parts I & II being the exceptions. However, we do recommend you read them in the correct order. Why? Well, as in real life, time moves on, people come and go, some get promoted, others retire or worse, so from a continuity point of view, it makes more sense to read them in order.
Q: Are you seeking new ARC readers?
A: For those that don't know, an ARC is an Advanced Reader Copy. Anyone interested in becoming an ARC reader, please get in touch via the Contact tab at the top. ARC members receive a free copy of new books before it is published. Once read, the ARC reader would place an honest review as soon after the book is published on the main bookselling sites. You must have posted reviews on Amazon before, ideally on and If you think this could interest you, please drop us a line on the contact form.
Q: Do I get paid for being an ARC reader?
A: No. Writers are forbidden by Amazon from paying for reviews, or giving any kind of incentive. You do get a FREE copy, and before anyone else sees it.
Q: Can I have a paperback copy as an ARC reader?
A: No. It would be far too expensive to ship paperbacks around the globe. All ARC copies are in ebook format.
Q: Can I make corrections and make improvement suggestions?
A: Before copies are sent out, they will have gone through a rigorous editing process, usually around three times, but odd typos and spelling mistakes can still slip through. We often see such errors in traditionally published books, so it shows any publisher can still overlook the occasional mistake. A couple of years ago, we found no fewer than six spelling msitakes on one page alone in book published by one of the big six. If you spot any errors feel free to point them out. We will always look at any suggestuons, in fact we welcome them.
Q: Where do you get your ideas for your books?
A: I am always being asked that. The first thing you need is an imagination. The second is to turn on your WHAT IF button? Look at everything with a quizzical eye. Does the baby being pushed down the high street at speed belong to that woman? Are those police officers forcing a man into a car real officers or in disguise? Is the head teacher at the local high school really the paragon of virtue he or she portrays, or do they have dark secrets? Don't take everything at face value. What if your optician is a murderer? What if your visit-at-home hairdresser is a poisoner? Anyone can kill in exceptional circumsrtances. Never accept anything at face value.
Q: Will there be another new Walter Darriteau book this year (2025).
A: Yes, the plan is to put one up for pre-order soon.