Lacy Stolz specialises in investigating corrupt judges. It keeps her surprisingly busy. In a previous John Grisham book, “The Whistler”, she went too close to the fire and got burnt to the point it almost killed her. Her partner wasn’t so lucky.
But that’s all behind her now, and it’s a new year and a new day, when out of the blue, she receives a call from a mysterious woman who also takes an interest in corrupt judges.
So begins “The Judges List”, another blockbusting novel from the king of courtroom drama, John Grisham. He may have reached the milestone of seventy years of age this year (2025) though he shows not sign of slowing down, and unlike other high profile thriller writers, he is still writing his own books, leastways no one else gets a credit on any of them.
“The Judge’s List” rattles along and keeps the reader interested, though for me the ending felt a little rushed, almost as if the writer didn’t have a clear idea where it would run out of road.
But if you enjoy legal thrillers, you will find plenty here to keep you intrigued and interested.
It may not be the best JG book, but that matters not. It’s another decent read to wile away the evenings. Definitely worth a look.
Rating: A 4 out pf 5 for me.